For our Earth Day adventure, we continued planting fruits and veggies in our garden. Now, we've had a garden for a couple of years now, and it's been pretty awesome seeing things grow. Tomatoes and cucumbers seem to do well here (can we say salsa and cucumber salad galore?). We've also got a green pepper (0nly one, since year after year they seem to be anti-growing here), oregano, and mint (mojito's here we come!).
So today we decided to add garden beans and watermelon to the garden...we'll see how they grow! Oh, and don't forget to get your pets involved- mostly good for laying around and lending moral support. :)
Happy adventuring!
haha i love that you have ONE green pepper... :P nice garden! will you come make one in our yard? no one in our house has a green thumb. actually, they are all black. my aunt is an excellent gardener, but she lives in wisconsin...